Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1 Morning

I arrived at the Franklin Fire Station at 6:45 on Sunday morning. I was exhausted. We had our formal the night before, so I knew I had a long day ahead of me. Fortunately, I came into a relatively quiet morning. I arrived and met with Firefighter Jenkins, Firefighter Robert, and Captain Goodearl. These three men comprise of D shift, which is the shift that I will be working on. As the morning progressed, we got ready for the rest of the day starting off with a hearty breakfast. Almost immediately after finishing the dishes, we had our first call. The alarm rang and we grabbed our gear To be honest, I was pretty excited as I sat in the back of the ambulance on my way to my first call. When we got there, the crew treated an elderly man who was having trouble breathing as I took down information from the man's son and daughter-in law. We then transported the man to the hospital where he was treated by a team of nurses. Shortly after, I was instructed on how to properly clean and redress the stretcher as well as how to refill the supplies that we used. We then returned to the station to refuel the ambulance as well as some other tasks.

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