Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Day

Today is my last day at the station. I got here at 6:45 A.M. and most of the day was VERY slow. We literally spent most of the day looking for things to do. We didn't receive our first call until about 5:30 P.M. It was a call for a car accident with injuries, which was my first car accident. It was an interesting experience, and the methods for treating the victims was new to me. There was much more involved in the process of transporting the victims as well. There was a lot of focus on finding out EXACTLY what happened as well as where the pain was. This was in order to ensure that the firefighters took the proper protocol when moving them onto the backboards, and eventually on to the stretchers. The transport then continued to the hospital where the victims were dropped off and we headed back to the station. Aside from that, it has been a very quiet day. Almost 9 P.M. and the station is quiet. This being my last journal entry, it's a little bitter sweet. I'm certainly going to miss the experiences I had over the past two and a half weeks. The spring term at Proctor has been a lot of fun for me after what was a very bleak fall and winter. I'm thankful to all who were involved in these last two weeks, both at Proctor, and here at the Franklin Fire Department. I've never met a better group of guys than the ones on D shift. I'd trust them with my life, literally.

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